In The Matter Of An Application For Judicial Review
By Victor Kennedy Against Decisions Of The Northern Ireland Prison Service
LJ Weatherup this morning made a declaration that Rule 32 of the Prison and Young Offenders Centre (Rules) Northern Ireland requires the Northern Ireland Prison Service to notify the Independent Monitoring Board of any incidents of prisoners being placed in segregated conditions, including for prisoners exercising a dirty protest, as our client was at the relevant time.
A further declaration was made to say that our client was unlawfully segregated for a period of time without any proper authority.
Katie McAllister of Madden & Finucane Solicitors said:
“This case highlights the failures of the Prison Service to properly apply the Prison Rules in cases where prisoners are subjected to the most draconian measure of solitary confinement.
“Once again this raises serious concerns about the current state of the Northern Ireland Prison Service, as illustrated in the recent CJINI report on the unannounced inspection of Maghaberry Prison.”
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